15 WAYS TEENS MAKE MONEY:Earning money as a teenager doesn’t have to be difficult. Check out the full list for teens to earn money.

15 WAYS TEENS MAKE MONEY:Earning money as a teenager doesn’t have to be difficult. Check out the full list for teens to earn money.

When you’re young, you crave everything, money, respect, experiences, etc. But we’re going to be completely honest with you, the same way you learned to love us.

We know this because we were teenagers and were overcome by a sense of arrogance and omniscience, or at least because we felt like the world was not giving us the respect we deserved.

Because it’s obvious we were destined for bravery a few years later, we finally understood why teenagers have desires but lack skills. If you’re a teenager, you’re probably impatient, lacking in discipline, and you don’t have what you consider the big picture, and that’s okay.

You have just started playing this game, you are barely between level 13 and level 19 and it will take you a few more years to get the right gear and take on some amazing quests.

This period allows you to know as much as possible about yourself, and we cannot stress this enough, everything else will follow on this basis. We know you’re looking to make some money this summer or even start a side hustle .

So we’ve rounded up our top options for you to keep an open mind and never think, I repeat, never think a job is unworthy of you is a sign of a weak person.


1. Find a part-time job

Shocking isn’t it? You want money to work! This is not going to be one of those articles where we lie about secret tips on how to bring in at least $2,000 a day from the comfort of your home. Jobs are super valuable even the miserable ones.

Why ? because they teach you what you never want to do in life. Misery builds you internally. Everyone should work at least once in their life in commerce or household so that they enjoy it, even when they don’t have to.

Those of you who are a little smarter might opt ​​for a job where you can learn the skills that are important to you in the future. Anything that teaches you how to sell how to talk to people and just be a little more organized is worth a shot.

If you’re just looking for some quick cash, here are your best options.

Anything to do with rich people, find where they hang out and get a job at a gulf or country club etc. Not only do they tip well, but you get to meet the kind of people you want to be one day.

So beyond the money, you get real real-life training. If you’re serious, go to the businesses in your neighborhood and ask them if they need help for the summer and if you’re ready to learn.

2. Writing texts

We live in the age of content. If you are passionate about writing, this could be the perfect choice for you. Blogs need articles, advertisements need the magic words, businesses need their websites filled with ‘about’ pages, descriptions, products etc.

3. Buy and resell

It’s one of our favorite things. In the world the people who can do that are real entrepreneurs, and they have that restless gene that most gurus always talk about. But why we love it so fundamentally.

You learn to see value where others don’t, and that skill alone can make you rich in life . Couple that with dedication, discipline, and continued study of the industry and you can build something real.

4. Shopping at the neighbors

People are willing to pay for all kinds of things. The problem is that you don’t know exactly what to do.

This is where the entrepreneurial gene comes in. Going door to door and talking to your neighbors about how you can help them is another incredibly valuable skill, which will not to get paid right away, but will also teach you what you will need in the future.

A word of advice find things that need fixing that you would be willing to take care of, then talk to them about it, whether it’s painting fences, mowing the lawn or fixing a cabin. You may be laughing right now but it’s the subtle arrogance inside you that you need to control before you can make any real progress.

5. Airbnb host

Airbnb and short-term rentals have exploded over the past five years. More and more hosts need help and are willing to pay for it. If you live in a tourist area, you can easily find work and get paid. Just go to Airbnb.com and register.

Then you can research your area and contact the hosts offering to be the key drop-off when they can’t and work your way to the end. You can then search your area and contact the hosts, offer to be a key drop-off person when they are unable to do so, and level up.

If you’re serious about it and use it as a learning ground, it won’t be long until you have your own property up and running. This is how you start in real estate these days.

6. Airbnb Experiences

If you’re over 18, which is technically still teenage territory, you can join Airbnb Experiences. Sign up for Airbnb as usual and navigate to Experiences.

You know your area better than anyone and tourists would love to discover it with the help of a local. This is where you come in, if you take this seriously you could take advantage of the big deal.

There are also other alternatives to Airbnb that you can use if for some reason this service is not available in your area. Use your Google sleuthing skills to find the best platform for you.

7. Support classes

It’s the perfect time to reference one of our favorite quotes from the best Joker we’ve ever seen in movies… If you’re good at something, never do it for free. You may not know it, but times have changed dramatically.

Tutors are no longer retired teachers who punish you for misbehaving and refusing to study. You just have to get out of the traditional patterns a bit.

For example, did you know that fortnightly coaches are paid up to €25 an hour to help improve the skills of people who are embarrassed by their game. Yes, parents pay tutors so that their children don’t suck. Get good at what the market needs and start making that money.

8. Photography

There has never been so much demand for photographers. We live in the diamond age of the narcotic.

Instagram is the second thing people open in the morning after their eyes and everyone wants to put their best side on the platform.

If you are a photographer make your personal IG epic then find other people who want to have a cleaner and more prestigious look for their profile. They will be willing to pay you to take photos and help them and the better you are, the more money you can ask for.

9. Video editing

Let’s keep things in the digital realm a bit more. All the time what do you see people are investing in content left and right, and all of that content needs to be cut edited packaged managed and uploaded.

As a young person with an understanding of what’s going on in this space, you’re the perfect person to jump in and take on some of that workload. 

Individuals and companies will gladly pay someone who can improve their performance and optimize their workflow.

10. Social media management

Everyone is looking for talented social media managers these days. Because these are the new rules of the game, but it’s not as easy as you think.

Just because you’ve been using Instagram for a while doesn’t mean you’re ready to do it professionally. When you manage a company’s social accounts, you are the voice of that company and are represented in a social bubble.

You have to understand the business, understand the platform, and be smart about how you engage with your followers. Read as much as you can about how to be better at it, and then use the knowledge with your clients.

Once they start seeing results from your work. You can become valuable to them and can charge more and more money depending on the type of results you can generate.

11. Babysitting and pet sitting

This is another one of those perfect summer jobs, especially if you love kids or animals. You don’t realize how precious time spent together is for parents, and a good babysitter is worth a lot of money.

The same thing happens when you want to travel and you can’t take your pet with you the average babysitter in France earns 20 euros per hour plus tips. If you’re professional and smart, you find customers in more expensive areas and those numbers can easily double.

12. Build an audience on social media

If you have the skills to manage someone’s social media, you know how to leverage technology for someone else’s benefit, so why not give it a try yourself?

Our favorite strategy for newcomers is to build an initial audience, pick your platform of choice, and keep following it as you grow.

The best place to build right now is Instagram, if you can organically grow a community on Instagram you can monetize it pretty quickly. The low cost of Instagrams, no barriers to entry has given rise to an entire phenomenon of social media influencers.

If you’re an influencer you know there are better ways to leverage that position by becoming a media taker.

13. Start a blog

If Instagram isn’t really your thing but you’re good at writing, start a blog and go from there. Your goal here is to be consistent, to write a lot, it won’t grow as fast as a social profile, but if you build it correctly it will be much more valuable because it’s yours.

You are not dependent on platform rules which can easily change over time and harm your business. A blog is your personal asset, with millions of ways to monetize if you reach a certain scale.

14. Start streaming or create a YouTube channel

Speaking of low barriers to entry, YouTube twitch IG TV and Facebook video. It works incredibly well for people who are natural entertainers and have a skill that people are willing to follow.

But there has never been a period with more competition in this space than today. So there’s our recommendation would be to go super specific in your early days and then expand your reach over time.

If you start a vlog when you have zero subscribers or followers, you might find it a little harder to grow than if you were to make videos about something you could help people.

15. Start a podcast

Everyone is starting podcasts today because radio is moving into the internet age. Finally you could easily start a podcast today, if you wanted to using your iPhone as a recording device. If you have some money you can invest in a basic microphone, there are tons of recommendations on the internet.