4 RULES FOR SELLING A PRODUCT OR SERVICEHOW TO SELL:You will learn to sell anything to anyone. So techniques and skills you can start using today.

4 RULES FOR SELLING A PRODUCT OR SERVICEHOW TO SELL:You will learn to sell anything to anyone. So techniques and skills you can start using today.

Suppose you are a seller or a marketer and you are trying to sell your product to a large audience, a small group of people or even just one person.

In this article, I will show you the main principles of an effective sale. I will also tell you what the best sellers do and know to sell anything to anyone .

When selling, there are two types of leads: cold leads and hot leads .

Cold leads are people who might be interested in buying your product but don’t know you or the product exists. salespeople use cold canvassing or door-to-door sales, but this is probably the hardest way to reach customers since most people are not interested in the product or service. 

Then there are the hot prospects these are people you can call leads and they are already somewhat interested in buying your product or service but they still have some level of doubt the job of the sales person in this case is mainly to handle the product and answer questions that might prevent people from buying.

We’re going to focus on leads who are at least somewhat interested in your product.

Most people, when trying to sell something, focus on using complicated, academic words, while listing a lot of benefits and talking so much and so fast that they lose the prospect almost immediately. . will never work effectively, especially if you’re talking about an expensive product.

So here are some of the best selling rules that will change the way you approach any negotiation talk.


Let’s start with rule number 1: people buy with their emotions and justify with rationality. 

Most salespeople think that listing product benefits is the most logical way to sell, they think the prospect will only think rationally and pick the one with a lower price and better features.

Sounds logical but in reality people don’t care that much it’s not effective people are bombarded with products and ads all day on social media on tv on the radio literally all over the world the moment you wake up and open your boom phone an advertisement just popped up.

So if you just list a bunch of features you’ll immediately be labeled as another one of those sales people who want to take people’s money, you have to tap into people’s emotions and that’s the most effective way to sell more you can get the prospect thinking about things they’re emotionally connected to the better you’ll sell.

Rule number 2: people don’t buy if there is no problem to be solved. 

Every time you buy something you buy it because you think it will solve a problem, which is why products that are less essential have lower demand, especially when there is a crisis in the world.

So if there is a big problem people will be willing to buy the product that solves that problem a good example is the case of face masks you see before the COVID-19 pandemic not a lot of people needed them but as soon as As the pandemic began, the demand for face masks grew exponentially.

So when you sell a product and especially when you sell an expensive product you must present and prove how it can solve the problem of your prospects, the better you describe their problem and the better you put them into perspective, the more they will feel understood and the more likely they will be to buy your product.

Rule number 3: People don’t buy what they don’t understand, regardless of product or price. 

People will never buy something they don’t know or don’t think they know. Lots of sellers talk very fast in an incomprehensible, robotic way, then after a storm of words, numbers and specs, they ask people to buy and are surprised that no one does.

So the prospect needs to understand what they’re being sold and what the ideal outcome is with that specific product or service, again they need to visualize that outcome so it’s better if you describe it to them.

You can even do a little storytelling, for example, of a story about someone having a problem with the product or service. You can even tell the story of someone who bought a product and later realized it was a terrible mistake because of the impact the product had on their life.

So you put your product in such a position that it seems like the only logical solution to help them avoid negative consequences, but that doesn’t mean you have to bombard your customers with features and stories.

It should be a free-flowing conversation, like two friends talking about their problem and how they might solve it. you have on them to achieve the same result with a presentation, a story or even a description of their problem.

Rule number 4: be a problem solver, not a seller 

Here’s the thing, everyone likes to buy but no one likes to be sold, that’s why you need to position yourself as a problem solver, someone who’s there to help them achieve their goals and solve their problems. , in business or personal life and it also depends on what you are selling.

So let’s see which approach you should use for different products and services. Let’s say you’re trying to sell a product or service that isn’t an expensive investment for the prospect, say something for 500 or less, you might focus less on describing the problems the product will solve or try to create an emotional attachment.

If you do this you might sell better but it is not necessary if your product or service is a big investment, however for a product of five thousand euros or more it is absolutely imperative that you use these techniques, because it’s a big buy and people aren’t sure whether to buy or not and your job as a seller is to make them feel confident that your product is the only logical solution.

Here is the summary of the four most important rules for selling a product, whether to a large or small audience or to a single prospect, whether face to face on a stage or by telephone.

  1. People buy with their emotions:   If you want to sell successfully, you need to tap into the emotions of those who are listening to you by having them visualize positive results and associating your product with optimism, positivity, and problem solving. problems 
  2.  People don’t buy unless they have a problem to solve:  Most of the time, you have to sell a solution to a problem that irritates your prospect, and then you can position your product as the logical solution to that problem. 
  3.  People don’t buy what they don’t understand:  You need to explain your product and the results you can expect from it. 
  4.  We love to buy but hate to be sold to:  Position yourself as a friend if possible and as an expert and problem solver, as soon as it’s clear you don’t care about the prospect and are trying to sell, it will lose interest in conclusion.