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How do you stop buying clothes for a year?

How to stop buying clothes for a year

If you want to stop buying clothes you don’t need, follow these tips to help you shop with more intention and buy clothes you’ll actually wear.

Do you want to know how to stop buying clothes online? Maybe you want to try for a month or maybe you want to stop buying clothes for a year? If so, I offer some tips that I hope will help you kick your buying habits.

Just a few years ago, I had a hard time shopping for clothes on impulse. When something caught my eye, I couldn’t resist buying it. Admit it, I loved buying new clothes!

But I often buy clothes that I didn’t need. I’ve wasted a lot of money on clothes that I rarely wear or still have a price tag attached to. It’s definitely not something I’m proud to admit.

Today, I’m sharing tips to help you stop buying clothes for a year and transform your shopping habits forever!

    1. Unsubscribe from retailer emails

    The first step to stop buying clothes online is to remove the temptation. I loved to subscribe to all my favorite retailers because I wanted to be the first to hear about new products and sales. But it prompted me to spontaneously spend and buy more things.

    I wondered why I always wanted to buy clothes. Then I realized that I often buy items on days when promotional emails pop up in my inbox.

    I recommend unsubscribing from all retailer emails to Avoid the urge to spend impulsively. This also includes deleting any shopping apps you have on your phone.

    This step is one of the easiest ways to help you stop spending money on clothes. You will be amazed at how effective it is! If you want to buy less clothes, start by eliminating the temptation to spend money.

    2. Remove people who encourage you to buy products

    Just as emails from retailers can inspire you to shop and spend money spontaneously, I recommend unfollowing people on social media who influence you to buy more stuff.

    I like to follow fashion bloggers to find inspiration and compose outfits with items I already own. But sometimes bloggers like to promote new clothes all the time.

    If you find yourself spending more money when following a particular “influencer,” consider giving it up. It can be a useful way to stop buying clothes.

    3. Try the “Visit Your Locker” challenge for 30 days

    If you want to stop shopping for clothes, the best place to start is by making more of what you already have. It can also help you end your shopping addiction.

    If you have an overflow closet, chances are you have a lot of items that haven’t seen the light of day in months (or even years). Now is the time to put these items on. You never know if less-worn clothing will become your new staple.

    Every day (for 30 days) you can follow various publications that will help you create new and interesting clothing combinations. The best part is that this challenge is completely free. You will use the items you already have!

    An easy way to tell if you’ve worn a dress is to follow the commentary trick. Here’s how it works:

    1. Turn all the hangers upside down in your closet (so that the open end of the hanger is facing you).
    2. If you’re wearing a gown, place it face-down (the open part of the hanger is facing you).
    3. At the end of the challenge, you will easily be able to identify the clothes that you did not wear.

    4. Take inventory of your closet

    If you have a closet full of clothes but often feel like you have nothing to wear, you’re not alone. I’ve recently been rejecting my imaginary self, which has been a game-changer for me.

    Having a cluttered or disorganized closet (like I used to) can cost you money. I often buy new clothes without realizing that I already own something similar. This is because my wardrobe has been messy and when items are out of sight, they are out of mind.

    Taking inventory of your closet is the best way to see what you already have and get rid of items you no longer wear or love. It can help you stop buying clothes.

    Step 1 – Take it all in

    Yes, that means getting everything out of your closet (including the clothes in your drawers, under your bed, and anywhere else you’ve hidden clothes).

    Step 2 – Try everything

    Depending on the size of your locker, this step may take a few hours. As you try on each garment, ask yourself the following questions:

    • How do I feel when I wear this?
    • If I were shopping now, would I buy it?
    • do i love him

    After trying each item, you’ll want to sort everything into 4 separate piles:

    • Trash (stained, damaged, or worn items)
    • Donate (things that are rarely used and that you no longer wear)
    • Sell ​​(slightly used items that are no longer worn and can be sold for cash).
    • keep it (items you like to wear)

    By getting rid of items you no longer wear, need, or love, you have the opportunity to feel good about the items you choose to keep. Decluttering teaches you to be more decisive in choosing what to wear each day, and in other areas of your life as well.

    5. Get creative and rethink how you see your clothes

    Before doing the No New Clothes challenge, I opened my closet every morning and felt like I had nothing to wear. In fact, I only saw my core articles and ignored the rest.

    My brain was still finding reasons not to wear the items in my wardrobe. I said things like:

    “These T-shirts are so small, but instead of throwing them away right away, I’m going to try to lose weight so I can wear them one day. Keeping this T-shirt on will motivate me.”

    “I only wore this shirt once. I thought I’d wear it a lot, but it just doesn’t go with anything in my closet. I can’t get rid of it because I feel so guilty about the money I spent.”

    you understand ?

    Stop imagining things and start getting creative with your wardrobe! Mix and match items to create new outfits. Challenge yourself by wearing something you wouldn’t normally wear. If your jacket is missing a button, buy a new one. It’s time to switch pieces and take advantage of your closet.

    It’s more rewarding to say “no” to purchases than “yes.” It is so satisfying to have the missing button on my jacket repaired, rather than the temptation to buy a new one. Not buying new clothes made me feel like I was in control of my money and not trying to stay on the fashion wheel anymore.

    6. Borrow clothes from family or friends

    If you’re going to a wedding, I know it’s very tempting to buy a new costume and accessories for the event. Sure, you want to feel confident, but you don’t have to buy a new outfit to look great. Instead, borrow clothes from your family or friends!

    7. Find healthy ways to distract yourself from shopping

    I’ll be honest. There were days when I felt like giving up completely and ending the challenge of not buying new clothes. I saw people around me shopping and I missed shopping too. I missed the rush of euphoria that comes with buying new clothes or getting a great deal.

    Instead, I had to find healthy ways to distract myself so I could keep going and stick to my goal. I started exercising, which made me feel stronger and more confident.

    I started to explore nature more, which made me feel humble and happy.

    I also started organizing the rest of my house. It has helped me to better appreciate and use the things I have. I learned that living with less made me happier. I learned what to truly value in life and how to live with intention.

    8. Make a shopping wish list

    One of the best ways to reduce impulse spending and stop buying clothes is to create a favorite shopping list.

    How it works?

    When you see something you want to buy (like an impulse clothing purchase), jot it down on your shopping wish list along with today’s date. Then make you wait a while before buying it.

    For example, I usually force myself to wait at least six months. If six months seems too long, force yourself to wait at least two weeks. You know yourself best, so choose the waiting period that works for you.

    You will often find that the longer you wait, the less likely you are to buy the item. If you no longer wish to purchase the item, simply cross that item off the list.

    After the “waiting period” has passed, if you still want the item in question, consider finding the most economical way to purchase it.

    Using a favorites shopping list can help you stop spending money on clothes and make you more intentional about the purchases you choose to make.

    9. Understand your buying triggers

    Our emotions and environment can have an impact on our behaviour. That’s why it’s important to understand and manage your triggers to buy.

    I recommend that you keep a diary and write down the times when you feel the need to go shopping. What happens in the moments just before you want to shop?

    • Is it because of boredom, sadness, or anger?
    • Do you feel the need to go shopping after watching a certain TV show?
    • Do you feel like shopping after spending time with a certain friend or family member?
    • Do you compare yourself to someone on social media?

    Learning about your triggers to shop can help you learn how to better manage those triggers and stop buying clothes.

    One of my favorite ways to avoid impulse purchases is to use a wish list. It helps me stop and think before making a purchase instead of letting my emotions take over my wallet.

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